
Showing posts from October, 2020

Step By Step Weaning for a Healthy Baby

Breastfeeding your baby is a wholesome experience, a true bonding time between the baby and the mother. It is a milestone achievement, the one that makes your baby healthy and strong. But breastfeeding has to come to an end one day, the baby is now big and has to eat rather than just drinking, in order to grow, nurture and foster. Eating decadent emergency lactation brownies , cuddling with your baby at night to nurse him till he falls asleep are a few things you will miss about this amazing time. But on the flip side if your baby is not getting his/her fill, not gaining enough weight or the mother is unable to pump milk while at work, the best course of action is to weaning. What Does Weaning Mean?   Getting the baby off from breastfeeding, when the child is not taking any breast milk it means weaning. WHO recommends feeding the baby exclusively for the first 6 months and after that introduce solids. At this time, mothers can start the weaning process. But if the mother...

How Do I Give Myself the Best Chance to Breastfeed Successfully?

Breastfeeding your baby is the most rewarding and fulfilling feeling ever and no mother should let go of it easily. It comes naturally to all mothers and breast milk is the best source of nutrition for the baby for the first six months. It has antibodies which help fight any bacteria or virus that the child might interact with. The risk of respiratory illnesses, diarrhea, asthma, diabetes, obesity and ear infections is also far less. Mothers feel concerned about their supply and opt for bottle feed, if any mother has doubts regarding milk supply try lactating cookies made of all-natural herbs to combat a steady, strong and abundant supply for the little one. First time mommies can get overwhelmed by the plethora of instructions, information and suggestions that friends and family can hurl on them regarding the topic of breastfeeding. As far as I think, this journey is very personal and private; mommies can learn from their own mistakes, take their own risks and do things in their pr...