Best Lactation Supplements and How Safe Are They?

You haven’t truly tasted motherhood if at some given point you didn’t doubt that the milk supply from your breasts isn’t enough for the little one. Self-doubting, feeling anxious and overthinking are some of the common traits of every mother. There’s no way to know how much milk is produced and how much is filled in the breasts, it’s all about guessing and relying on the hints given by the child. Mothers who feel that the supply is not enough to sustain the baby usually introduce formula milk to the child, which is not good for the baby. If any mother has particular concerns about her low supply she can rely on some of the best supplements for lactation available in the market, rather than switching to formula.

Breasts are the most secure, loved and comfortable place from a baby’s perspective. They find their nourishment, coziness and contentment from there. The warmth and security oozing from the breasts is heaven on earth for the baby. The slightest intimation of unease or crankiness from the baby gets the mind of the mother racing that she might not have a good enough supply for the baby. Opting for breast milk supplements is the first thing mothers turn to, which is not a bad thing.

Demand and Supply Rule

Mother Nature has designed everything immaculately, that’s also true in the case of breast milk supply. The milk supply is directly proportional to the demand of the milk, as the demand surges so will the supply. The more time the baby spends on the breast suckling it and drawing milk from it the more the supply will respond accordingly. The demand and supply rule is a bit more challenging for mothers who exclusively pump for their babies.

 Mothers have to follow a strict pumping routine, even if they work in an office they must pump at scheduled times to keep the supply steady. The cry of the baby usually initiates the feeding process but when outside it’s easy to forgo the session for something else. Even if the mother pumps regularly the breast pumps don’t entirely drain the breasts like a baby can. As a result, mothers might feel a drop in the supply.

Reasons for a Dip in the Supply   

There are myriad reasons that can contribute to the drop of the milk production. Mother is not well fed, hydrated, sleeping enough, or she might be facing some hormonal changes. She can also be on her periods or she might be on some birth control pills that can cause a drop in supply. Other than these reasons a disruption is this demand-supply system can be due to the use of alcohol, nicotine or the mother might have diabetes or blood pressure. But all this can be fixed with the best supplements for lactation which do wonders in amassing the milk stock.  

How Safe Are Breast Milk Supplements And Do They Work?

Knowing very well that whatever a mother eats or drinks will inevitably enter the baby’s body through breast milk. Due to this reason most of the mothers are dubious about taking even the best supplements for lactation. Most of these breast milk supplements have natural ingredients and substances, which are not medicines and don’t come under the radar of the FDA. These are basically labeled as dietary supplements so there is a risk that they might not suit everyone. These can sometimes have a negative effect on some mothers and work marvels for others. Always ask your lactation expert before going for any of the supplements.

The Best Lactation Supplements to Amp up the Supply  

Even after having a good and steady intake of supplements one can’t be sure as to how much supply has boosted. So it’s hard to tell if the supplement worked or not. With so many options in the market, all claiming to be the best anyone can get overwhelmed. There are all sorts of galactagogues like herbal, natural and organic. It's hard to choose. So here we are to recuse you, providing a complete guidance on best supplements for lactation. Let’s first explore more natural galactagogues and then head towards the more bottled ones.


Known to be used for centuries by women, this herb from the family of clover is used to surge up the supply of breast milk. Just a heads, the smell of this herb will reek from the urine, breast milk and even from the breath.


Another popular herb is fennel which is used in many foods as well. All the parts of this plant are edible and very useful but the seeds are particularly used as a breast milk supplement.


Oatmeal breakfast has been a staple of every mom who desires to increase the supply of milk naturally. There isn’t any scientifically proven research but many mothers vouch for its benefits.

Blessed Thistle

Used to treat a range of ailments, like diarrhea, digestive and respiratory problems, Blessed thistle has also gained popularity among nursing mothers. The roots, leaves, flowers and seeds of the herbs work as a galactagogue. Different parts have different functions so always use them with recommendation.

Now let’s head towards to lactation supplements;

Pink Stork’s True Milk

Crammed with multiple herbs like fenugreek, blessed thistle, anise seed, fennel seed and goat's rue true milk will not only increase the supply it also claims to improve the taste of the milk by making it a bit sweeter. All- natural, vegan and gluten free it’s just perfect.

Mommy Knows Best’s Lactation Supplement  

Made with two vital herbs, this one is perfect for moms who don’t want to start with too many active ingredients. Blessed thistle and fenugreek are the two key herbs and this one is also cruelty-free and vegan. It works fast but the only drawback is that you need to take a lot of the capsules mounting the cost.

Majka Lactation Powder

If you don’t want to pop capsules and want to actually taste the supplement we highly recommend this powder created by moms with expert nutritionists. The best thing about it is the taste, no chalkiness. All the ingredients are amazing and just a bit expensive.

Other supplements like, Upspring Milk Flow, New Chapter Supplements, Best Natural Fenugreek, The Honest Company Lactation Plus and Lactiful Supply Max are all good at boosting the supply of milk. 


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